Your mindset is a set of beliefs that influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. Below are resources on building a Crypto mindset. ARTICLESWhy the Why is Important On independent thinking in society Mental Models for Crypto Breaking away from cyclicality The ushering in of a new financial system & how this will upheave all marketsVIDEOSTWITTER THREADSCrypto isn't easy. Here are my biggest mistakes and the lessons I learned14 cognitive biases to become a better Crypto investor. Playing Poker will give you an unfair advantage in Crypto. "What is success?” The biggest risk with doing crypto 24/7 isn’t necessarily to lose money, it’s the opportunity cost of wasting your timeHere are some principles and concepts from the ancient Stoics that can help us be tenacious, reliable, and effective when trading cryptoHow to Get Rich (without getting lucky)How to survive in crypto long-term (without getting lucky)18 lessons I've learned from the Crypto Market14 timeless lessons from the crypto market