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Kadena makes blockchain work for everyone. Our ecosystem provides the security of Bitcoin, virtually free gas, unparalleled throughput, and smarter contracts. Plug us in, deploy, and scale.
- Kadena is an infinitely scaleable L1 blockchain
- Kadena's smart contract language uses PACT
- Kadena's is incentivizing GREEN energy mining
Infinitely saleable L1 blockchain
Blockchains & Hashes
A Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.
Each "block" in these chains of information creates a "hash" A hash is a mathematical function that converts an input of any length into an encrypted code of a fixed length. The hash itself is unique and will always be the same size. Moreover, hashes cannot be "reverse-engineered".
So each hash is added to the next block (containing all previous blocks’ information) making the blockchain secure with previous data, and so on and so forth.
The Problems
Proof of work blockchains are more secure but they come with a price. Problem #1 For every block, there is a limit on how many transactions can be added to each one. For example, on Eth - each transaction you try to use requires gas to complete (gas refers to the cost necessary to perform a transaction on the network). This is to put your transaction into the block. When the network (ETH) is congested you will see crazy gas fees sometimes in the thousands, and to increase the speed or (cut inline) you pay more gas to put your transaction into a block.
That brings us to, Problem #2 There is a limit of blocks each L1 can create in a given time. Bitcoin can create 10 blocks/min, while Eth can create around 1 every 15 seconds. This was set when they created the network. This seems like a lot but not when you are talking about mass adoption.
This is why Eth/BTC is not SCALEABLE. There are workarounds like layer 2 solutions and ZK rollups but I'm not going to get into those on this page.
Kadena's Solution
Kadena has figured out a way to scale the number of chains they have, this allows the network to grow and scale infinitely. So if bitcoin had 10 chains it could handle 10x the transactions and could create 10x the blocks etc..
Watch this video for the explanation from 28:53-32:14 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwcbmdHFZss)
This demonstrates how Kadena can scale the number of chains, allowing more transactions, next to nothing gas fees FOREVER, without the network ever getting slower. The scaling of chains also improves the security so the more chains the better the security. They have already increased their number of chains from 10-20 which has never been done before. This technology is brand new and proven now after the first attempt they did. Kadena could scale to 100,000 chains if they wanted to. Keepings fees almost 0$ and in turn way better security and transaction speeds.
Smart contract language uses PACT
A smart contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol that is intended to automatically execute, control, or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.
The majority of projects or networks out right now are using Solidity, this code is generated by computers and is only readable by computers. Now there is nothing wrong with this code/language at all, it's hard to understand, hard to write, and when an issue does come up it's very hard to find and fix.
Kadena uses PACT smart contract code. Unlike Solidity-based contracts, Pact smart contracts can be updated, changed, or fixed through an update mechanism to declare new versions of a smart contract that are applied only once the new code has been successfully executed.
PACT code is readable by humans and was created for lawyers, banks, etc... to be able to easily identify and read what is happening and if there is a problem. So they can fix problems if there are any and if you really wanted to you could view the code and read it like normal (for geeks/nerds).
Incentivizing GREEN energy mining
Proof of work uses mining. Mining is amazing for a cryptocurrency because it creates a truly decentralized network and locks coins up at the same time. The main reason BTC gets a ton of flack for mining is that it takes a HUGE amount of power/energy for this process to happen. Lots of miners use green energy but if it costs more why would they?
Kadena is going to heavily incentivize the miners to use GREEN energy with much better rewards, which will result in more GREEN energy being used and will have a much smaller impact on the environment.
Along with the Incentivizing GREEN energy mining, they have a different mining setup than bitcoin. Over time BTC miners get "halved" which means at certain stages of mining the number of coins gets lower and the price of the coin higher. So they half the mining rewards. Kadena doesn't have halving and has enough coins set aside to be mined for 120 years.
Team: Notable mentions
- Stuart Popejoy, Founder & CEO - Stuart previously led JPMorgan’s Emerging Blockchain group and has 15 years of experience building trading systems and exchange backbones for the financial industry.
- Will Martino, Founder & President - Will previously served as Lead Engineer for Juno (JPMorgan’s Blockchain prototype) and was also Tech Lead for the SEC’s Cryptocurrency Steering Committee and Qualitative Analytics Unit.
- Dr. Stuart Haber, Cryptography - Dr. Stuart Haber is the co-inventor of blockchain, 20 years before Bitcoin was born, and the most cited author in Satoshi Nakamoto’s renowned 2008 Bitcoin white paper.
The founders and executives get coins but are locked for 10 years, this is double even the highest I have seen. This shows that they are in it for the long haul and it's built to be community-driven. If they were given the coins on day one they could potentially "rug pull" and deflate the coin.

Kadena's technology has been proven already by multiplying the number of chains from 10-20, proving that they are the only scalable POW blockchain on the market today. The mass adoption potential is truly there. No other ecosystem has been able to pull off what KDA has done. KDA in my opinion is the only actual ETH killer on the market.
It's taken everything Bitcoin has done to solidify itself in the market, learned from it, and made it BETTER in every aspect. If bitcoin would have figured this out or Eth even for that matter, we wouldn't see all these new layer 1s like AVAX, Fantom, Cosmos, etc.. everything would have been built on BTC.
It is Faster, Cheaper, More Secure, and truly scalable.
Seeing coins like Doge going to 90b market cap which has 0 utility, and then seeing KDA which has unlimited potential leads me to believe in our near future this coin could gain mass adoption and even if it doesn't at its current rate of growth we could see it reaching 50-100b in the next few years. While writing this the current market cap is 2.7b.
It's only on one major exchange for the time being, and Ryan Matta the guy in all the videos linked has this vortex that he sees playing out. Which it has pretty closely so far. I think it's still super early and once this platform hits its defi phase I think it will blow up.

For KDA to reach the same market cap as Solana which is also just on a TEST server and not on the main net it would be a clean 20x, the first time Solana launched a game it crashed because its server couldn't handle the number of transactions. KDA will never have this issue and if they do they have a solution to fix it. Once the world sees projects like AVAX/SOLANA that they can't Scale - where do you think they will move to?
Avax gas will increase with congestion, Solana crashed from 1 game launch. Eth can't grow transaction-wise, they all need layer 2 solutions to gas fees as they grow. Kadena will never have these issues.