- https://medium.com/kaddex/abstract-76ab2d33f29a - Lite paper
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Kaddex, is a truly unique "Proof of work" Decentralized Exchange, run by a DAO. Using the security and scalability of KDA (Kadena), it allows users to make exchanges with 0 gas fees. This combined with the ability to infinitely scale TPS (transactions per second), as well as have everything from liquidity provision, pricing to swapping done entirely on-chain, making it truly decentralized.
”The Kaddex DAO is the Guardian of the Safe DeFi future we envision and thus, there is no greater trust we can put into an organization. Development of new safe decentralized technology is possible due to Kadena and Pact.”
Pact Smart Contract Language:
KDX runs on Pact smart contract language. Pact is a human-readable smart contract language. It allows anyone to write clearly, directly and safely onto a blockchain — a true innovation for secure and simple smart contract development. Pact will enable you to create entirely new business models and on-chain services.”
Zero Gas, Forever
Thanks to Kadena’s gas stations, users will never have to pay gas to utilize Kaddex. Gas will always stay free because the Kadena blockchain scales horizontally, which means as the demand for block space goes up, we can increase the number of chains, increasing the number of available blocks.
LPs Rewards
Kaddex provides unique LPs incentives that will attract new DeFi customers to the new network, thanks to the 40% of tokens allocated for incentivizing the network. When a swap is performed the user is charged a standard 0.3% trading fee, of which 100% goes to Liquidity Providers.
Fastest Settlements
Because Kadena has the ability to scale TPS infinitively, network congestion will never be a problem. This coupled with gas-free transactions will ensure quick settlements and security, while providing the best possible users experience.
DAO Powered
The Kaddex DAO will play a large role in how Kaddex operates, controlling the parameters for individual pools. On top of this, the DAO will have a strong focus on ecosystem development, working to help grow the entire Kadena blockchain.
Decentralized Infrastructure
Kaddex lives up to the decentralized claim: everything from liquidity provision, pricing to swapping is done entirely on-chain, requires no intervention from off-chain authorities or oracles, and is fully autonomous with no control by any central on-chain authority either.
Kaddex will be the only multi-protocol DEX with native decentralized bridges, leading to a future where users won’t have to even think about protocols, but just access value wherever it is.
KDX Stakers will earn 0.05% of all swaps happening on Kaddex, giving holders a simple way to earn passive income while still participating in governance.
Kaddex is built on community, our governance system will give the users control of network incentives, protocol mechanics, and pool rewards, all while maintaining our approach to safe DeFi.
The native token of Kaddex. $KDX is a deflationary asset that also functions as a governance token for the system, in this way, purchasing and accumulating $KDX early on is incentivized, as the overall supply will diminish over time. In addition, $KDX is yield-bearing with a percentage of swap volume being kicked back to $KDX holders.
$KDX has a fixed supply of 1,000,000,000.00 tokens. The $KDX Token is used to incentivize all the liquidity stakeholders on the Kaddex platform, while also rewarding its holders for supporting the network.
With Team tokens only accounting for 5% of the 1,000,000,000 total $KDX supply and 95% allocated to Rewards and Community sales the Kaddex token supply distribution will be truly decentralized from inception.
The total supply of $KDX is divided into the following percentages:
Team:Â 5%Â 50,000,000: Team tokens are locked up for 2 years with distributions starting after 12 months after the KDAÂ sale.
- 2nd year: 50%
- 3rd year: 25%
- 4th year: 25%
Network Rewards: 40% 400,000,000: 40% of KDX tokens will be used to reward Liquidity Providers (LPs), KDX stakers, and Kaddex users making it the ideal platform for trading and generating passive income.
Community Rewards: 25% 250,000,000: This is controlled by the DAO who will be able to allocate this funding to pursue any program that it sees fit such as community development, ecosystem growth, tokenomics impulse, marketing, technical development, and any other items to ensure Kaddex’s long term success.
Community Sale(s): 30% 300,000,000: 30% of KDX tokens will be sold to early Kaddex supporters through Community Sales leading up to the launch of the platform. These proceeds will constitute the Kaddex treasury and finance operations.
To date we’ve had the sale hosted on Kadena, accounting for ~16% of KDX for 3.3mm KDA. To reward the participants of this sale for their patience we will offer them the possibility to join a retroactive staking reward program. More details are to be announced shortly. The remaining 14% will be sold to the larger crypto community to enhance Kaddex’ launch and fast-track its adoption.

$KDX aims to be one of the first deflationary DEX tokens ever. The $KDX Token is used to incentivize all the liquidity stakeholders, while also rewarding its holders for supporting the network.
When someone provides liquidity to a pair, they earn 0.25% that the AMM contract accumulates... but there is more. “However, because Kaddex runs completely on-chain, we can easily keep track of a provider’s original position and all trading fees gained throughout the process.”
When a liquidity provider wants to pull out, they are presented with the option to receive their fees in the native tokens they provided or to earn them in $KDX at a substantial incentive. If they decide to receive their gains in $KDX tokens, then the network fees they would have received are swapped for $KDX, with 100% of it being burnt. Different pairs will get different bonuses as different partnerships evolve or as the DAO sees fit.
- A provider gives $250 in both Asset 1 and Asset 2 to an LP Pair ($500 total),
- Over 3 months the LP Pair earns $200 in fees,
- Assuming there is no change in the token prices:
Option A: When the provider chooses to exit the position they have the option to receive $350 in Asset 1 and $350 in Asset 2 ($700 total ($500 in underlying assets + $200 in fees).
Option B: Or $250 in Assets 1 and 2 ($1300 total ($500 in underlying assets + $800 in fees paid in KDX) hence offering them four times as much fees ($600 extra in this example) if cashing out their fees in KDX!
4. Finally, if the provider chooses to take the KDX rewards instead, then the $200 in fees are used to buy and burn KDX tokens.

This allows KDX to be one of the first deflationary DEX tokens ever, while also providing unique LP incentives that will drive opportunistic DeFi customers to our new and growing network.
Another unique feature of Kaddex is that liquidity providers will be able to provide liquidity to any pair with just one side. This means that if you wanted to provide liquidity to a $KDA/$USDC pair for example, but you only owned $KDA, the pool would allow you to add 100% of your $KDA pair (which it would swap for $USDC @50%) for you.
- $10,000 in $KDA is put into the $KDA/$USDC LP pair,
- $5,000 $KDA is swapped for $USDC and added to the $KDA/$USDC LP,
- When the provider chooses to leave the LP Pool they receive back $KDA and $USDC equivalent to what it’s 1:1 ratio currently is plus any additional fees they have accumulated in either their native pair or $KDX as described above.

Kaddex is bringing dual governance to play along with their $KDX coin, it is called “Vibedust”. Vibedust “purely social currency” is going to exist in the discord to show the value of contributors in the community. “As users participate they will accrue “Vibes” from their peers.” resulting in a trust score.
The DAO participation is not only pegged to the amount of voting power you have with $KDX but will be paired with the “Vibes” to ensure whoever is active in the community get a fair say in voting. This will be amazing for the Discord community members because it will easily identify good and bad actors.
”recognized for the sum of their actions, not the size of their bags.”
Role 1 — Recruit
This is the entry level for any user who wants to participate in the DAO. It is assigned to users who have the project’s best interests at heart and want to contribute to the system and community in beneficial ways. Users may request this role. Role 1 users will have free reign to work on projects for the DAO via a grant program or bounty board. Users do not need to have this role to complete grants or bounties and are encouraged to work on projects to show their alignment with Kaddex, prior to formally applying to the DAO.
Role 2 — Scribe
This role comes with additional responsibilities and powers, including the ability to establish a working group within a specific section of the DAO. Marketing, for example, could have its own working group, with members of the Kaddex Core Team working as advisors. Role 2 users will be able to nominate members of the community that they consider as strong contributors to the system, to take on a role in their specific working group. In this way, trust can be decentralised, ensuring that qualified users are running the DAO through a process of community vetting.
Role 3 — Noble
This is the final role within the Kaddex DAO. Role 3 users hold the ability to submit proposals for voting, create bounties, develop grants and much more. These are the power users that have proven themselves to the community and built trust through the system. They will collectively run the DAO and work to manage Kaddex. Maintaining this role will require a user to keep their KDX staked, putting their money where their mouth is. If a user stops staking their KDX, not only will their voting power decrease, but their role will also be removed.
Role 4 — Pioneer
The Kaddex Core Team will initially hold the Role 4. This is effectively the same as a Role 3 but will also allow for some safety features. As the goal of the Core Team is to progressively decentralise, over time this role will be depreciated, and the Core Team will transition to Role 3 as well. All of this is to be done to empower the community to run Kaddex in a truly democratic fashion, wherein the protocol is run by its constituents.
The world of DeFi has proven to be the first tangible and concrete blockchain use-case. Various projects have developed a vast and innovative ecosystem of technologies that have quickly outpaced Traditional and Centralised Finance solutions (CeFi).
Kaddex exists to deliver the true vision of decentralized finance by creating financial tools that are accessible to all and entirely decentralized. This means accessibility in cost and simplicity, decentralization of everything from the website and swap platform, to the establishing of the DAO that is created to take it all over, to creating sustainable liquidity mining programs. Achieving this vision goes well beyond the first version of Kaddex as a gas-free DEX platform and is about positioning Kaddex to scale toward future adoption and to provide tools and technologies that propel DeFi, as an ecosystem, forward.
Kadena, with its multichain framework paired with gas stations arms Kaddex with the ability to create novel scaling technologies that provide fine-grained liquidity provisioning and slippage controls that reduce risk and increase profitability for all users, all while maintaining fast and gas-free transactions. These technologies will be part of future iterations of the Kaddex DEX.
Beyond the initial V1 of the swap platform, Kaddex will be expanding the DeFi tool suite to include a professional trading platform, analytics tools, and a lending platform, all in the name of delivering tools to satisfy every need and to onboard both retail and institutional parties, on the most decentralized DeFi platform, built upon the only scalable PoW layer-1 blockchain, Kadena. These technologies will make Kadena the home of DeFi, and Kaddex the leader of the space.
Kaddex is built with Pact. Pact is a human-readable smart contract language. It allows anyone to write clearly, directly and safely onto a blockchain — a true innovation for secure and simple smart contract development. Pact will enable you to create entirely new business models and on-chain services.
Unlike Solidity-based contracts, Pact smart contracts can be updated, changed, or fixed through an update mechanism to declare new versions of a smart contract that are applied only once the new code has been successfully executed. Any errors will automatically roll back the smart contracts to their previous state and abort making any new changes. This feature allows developers to fix potential errors and for contracts with multiple parties to update their agreements to represent evolutions in business logic.
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