Imperium Empires ($IME + $IMC)

Imperium Empires ($IME + $IMC)



    Imperium Empires aims to be the first AAA GameFi 2.0 space metaverse game on the Avalanche network. It has deflationary tokenomics with NFT burns in PvP battles. It is a 3rd person RTS (Real-time shooter) that has multiple PvE and PvP gameplay styles. Players can team up in guilds with friends and others to build their empires and conquer the metaverse.
    There are 4 major areas that the team has addressed in which they believe most games fail. They plan to build Imperium Empires to combat these 4 main points.

    Major Problems Commonly Seen In Blockchain Games

    1. Low-quality graphics and limited gameplay. (Imperium Empires are building an AAA-quality metaverse, with an experienced in-house game dev and game design team. Plan to make it fun-to-play)
    1. Hyperinflationary and unsustainable tokenomics. (Imperium Empires plans to have a unique NFT burn mechanism where NFTs (e.g spaceships) can be damaged and destroyed in PvP zones. This levels the NFT supply growth.
    1. Lack of deep DeFi integration (Imperium Empires wants a seamless connection for the 3+ billion gamers worldwide via integrating top DeFi protocols on the Avalanche ecosystem)
    1. Lack of guild-based gameplay (Imperium Empires is pioneering team-to-earn where guilds are deeply integrated into the gameplay. Along with a scholar management system to easily find, manage and train guild members)
    Video preview
    Official game trailer


    Imperium Empires is a 3rd person RTS with many types of PvE and PvP. As well as many other types of economic activities players can take part in.
    The main gameplay types are PvE mining, PvE transport, PvE co-op missions, PvP, and PvP territorial control. I will cover each one briefly below.
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    In the world, there will be many asteroids across various zones which contain many different types of ores. Players can mine these asteroids in order to obtain ores. They can then build and upgrade things such as starbases, and storage facilities. They can also sell refined ores for $IMC.


    In order to own or sell any in-game items like-mined ores or ship components, players need to transport them from one location to another. Sometimes they need to cross multiple zones in order to do so. Players can attack other players transporting goods and if they succeed they lay claim to the loot (at a slightly reduced cost).


    Pirates are all over the metaverse and are commonplace in Imperium. They ambush haulers and loot cargo dropped from destroyer ships. You can run co-op missions with friends and guild members to loot and destroy pirate spaceships.


    PvP can happen anywhere in the Imperium metaverse. The play-to-earn rewards are much higher in PvP than in PvE gameplay.


    Guilds can take control of territories in the different zones. Once a territory is controlled they can build structures on them that they own for more play-to-earn rewards.
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    There are 3 different zones in the Imperium metaverse in which players have to travel through for various reasons as well as enter into for PvE and PvP gameplay. Each has different play-to-earn rewards as well as potential risks as listed below.


    • Little risk here so play-to-earn rewards are lower than in other zones
    • Players start here and can learn to play the game
    • Players can enjoy PvE here and avoid PvP
    • Neither the spaceships nor the components of your ship are destroyed if shot down or damaged in this zone


    • Play-to-earn rewards are higher than the safe zone
    • Spaceships shot down in this zone will have the components on top of their spaceship destroyed but the ship itself will only be temporarily disabled.


    • Play-to-earn rewards are highest here of all zones
    • All spaceship components can be destroyed in combat
    • Depending on the severity of damage spaceships can be looted by other players (at reduced value)
    • Players recommended traveling with guildmates here for high-risk high reward PvP gameplay
    Below is a breakdown of the different rewards for each zone
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    Players can teleport from one zone to another through star gates. Need to pay passage fee to star-gate owner paid in $IMC.
    Some gates were owned by in-game NPCs called the Cooperation and some were owned by guilds that conquered the region.


    NFTs are the core function of the game and act as the different spaceships, components of the spaceships, lands as well as faction characters. I will cover each below in more detail.


    There’s a wide variety of spaceships to purchase and use for varying purposes. There are fighters (of multiple different sizes), transport/cargo ships, and mining vessels.
    Each spaceship is highly customizable and can stack a number of components of NFTs on top. With a large number of ships and different components, there are apparently millions or even billions of combinations for players to create.
    Different components to customize your spaceship
    Different components to customize your spaceship
    Skilled players will be able to create builds to dominate all of the different game types giving them the advantage to earn more. Skilled guilds will be able to have compatible builds in order to play traditional team PvP. I imagine builds such as (DPA, tank, stealth, repair/heal maybe)
    Video preview
    The genesis NFT release of their first ships
    Video preview
    Video of a new ship in Emperium Empires
    Photo example of spaceship Trident M NFT
    Photo example of spaceship Trident M NFT
    Photo example of spaceship STREKZAN NFT
    Photo example of spaceship STREKZAN NFT


    Lands are divided into sectors in the SAFE ZONE. These are used by guilds and owners to do the following.
    1. Build spaceship docks and hangers (Repair, dock and undock and act as spawn point)
    1. Build rare spaceships (Requires blueprints)
    1. The collection point for refined ores
    1. Custom decorations and ads that other players can see when they pass through


    There are 3 different factions each with its own special boosts. It doesn’t state which faction correlates to which boost but I will list them below.
    1. Faster cooldown of spaceships weapons
    1. Improving the shield and strength
    1. Increasing asteroid mining power
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    Guilds are a crucial part of the Imperium Empires’ infrastructure. Each guild will have to own or lease a piece of land in the safe zone. Once they own a piece of land they can customize this and build their star bases or HQ for their guild.
    To own or lease a piece of land they need to stake $IME. Staking an additional $IME can unlock more perks for guild members such as.
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    Imperium Empires team will also be releasing 3rd party tools such as “Official guild management system, and Scholars management system”.
    These are designed to help guilds onboard, lower the learning curve of new members, and allow the guilds to easily monitor guild member performance


    Emperium Empires uses a dual token tokenomics system. There is both $IMC and $IME. Let’s take a look at what each one does.
    $IMC is the in-game currency. It has an uncapped supply designed to match the growth of players and the Imperium metaverse.


    • Sell refined ores
    • Rewards distributed by guilds


    • Repair spaceships and components
    • Guild facility fees
    • Contributing to guilds


    • The play to earn staking rewards # can’t be seen on the website but it is 45%.
    • There is also no vesting or cliff schedule to tell how long team/advisors, and public have to hold tokens for.
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    $IME is the governance token and has a capped supply of 10 billion.


    • Seasonal tournament rewards
    • Looting destroyed spaceships


    • Purchasing NFT’s
    • Guild staking


    The game appears to have its beta testing in March of 2022 with the official game launch in April along with gamification and integration with DeFi protocols. The game is fairly new however there isn’t a ton of information on the roadmap in terms of what is expected to come and developments in the works.
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    The team is fully doxxed which is good. They appear to have a really solid amount of experience in both blockchain tech as well as the gaming industry. The CTO, lead game dev, and senior game backend architecture have a combined 52 years of experience in development and game design. Many team members are ex-animoca brands employees.
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    They boast quite a few investors and strategic partners however there is no way to tell who has invested and who is just. strategic investor.
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