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DeFi Kingdoms is a cross-chain, P2E (play to earn) MMORPG. It has a nostalgic feel to it and features amazing music. The game features a DEX (decentralized exchange), liquidity pool opportunities, and an in-game marketplace to trade the character NFT’s. All of this combined creates a stunning, immersive world made of fantasy pixel art and amazing DeFi opportunities.
DeFi Kingdom embraces the full potential of DeFi in a fun blockchain game giving you the opportunity to achieve big returns, yield farm, collect rare NFT’s through quests, and much more.

Serendale is the original DeFi Kingdoms game on the Harmony network. Crystalvale is the Avalanche expansion that was just recently launched in March 2022. Crystalvale is hosted on the DeFi Kingdoms Blockchain which utilizes Avalanche subnets to run its blockchain.

DeFi Kingdoms has it’s own custom in-game DEX that utilizes the Uniswap V2 protocol. Serendale’s DEX trades in the native token $JEWEL, $ONE, and a number of other tokens on Harmony. While Crystalvales DEX trades in $CRYSTAL, $AVAX, and a number of other tokens on Avalanche.
The team originally wanted to create a game around a DEX that allowed holders to not only be able to use and earn but came with fun and synergistic game to provide a meaningful and fun experience.

There is also a bank in the game that allows you to deposit your $JEWEL tokens in order to receive xJEWEL or $CRYSTAL in order to receive $xCRYSTAL. By holding $xJEWEL/$xCRYSTAL users will be receiving a portion of the fees from anyone who uses the DEX to make trades.
The Jeweler takes a portion of fees collected in-game as rewards for depositors. This includes 33.33% of collected fees from the DEX and 10% of fees from in-game transactions such as Hero Summons, Hero sales, and leveling up.
The x tokens will also act as governance tokens to vote on things like the direction of the project, inclusion of new tokens or retirement of old tokens, and more.

Additional links on Jeweler
The gardens are DeFi Kingdoms’ version of gamified liquidity providing or LPing. The gardens are a place to stake LP tokens in order to receive a share of the native token emissions $JEWEL or $CRYSTAL.
Players can use their Hero NFT’s with the profession of a gardener to earn additional rewards in $JEWEL or $CRYSTAL based on the skill of their Hero and the amount of LP tokens in the garden.
Locking Model
In order to balance the high emissions rates in earlier epochs and maintain price stability, the tokenomics design includes a locking model on garden rewards. For each token, starting in Epoch 1, 5% of claimed rewards are unlocked while 95% are locked. Each Epoch, the percentage of claimed rewards that are unlocked increases by 2%, so in Epoch 2, 7% are unlocked and 93% are locked, and so on.
It is important to note that these percentages are based on the Epoch at the time that the player chooses to claim, not when the rewards were allocated. If a player chooses not to claim right away, the percentage that they will
be able to claim increases by 2% each Epoch.
Players can also use their Hero with the mining profession who have locked $JEWEL or $CRYSTAL to quest and unlock these rewards early.

Additional links on the Gardens
Heroes are the NFT characters of the game. They can be bought, sold, loaned out for $JEWEL/$CRYSTAL and you can even summon new heroes to potentially create new legendary or mythic NFT’s.
Heros are required to play the game. These can be purchased and sold on the in-game marketplace at the Tavern by talking to the agent. Here you can search through the specific heroes, and view their traits and rarities.



Heros have 2 sets of genes one for appearance and one for their attributes which can be profession, class, subclass, passive and active abilities. Each hero has different stats that determine how well they do on different quests and they gain more XP and level up from those quests.

Additional links on the Tavern & Heroes
There are 4 main quest types within DeFi Kingdoms. Each Hero has a main profession and every profession has different benefits and use cases. I will list a TL/DR below and link to some articles that go further in-depth with each profession.
The standard Stamina cost per quest attempt is 7 Stamina. However, Heroes with the appropriate Profession gene will only expend 5 Stamina per attempt. This means that a Hero with the same Profession Gene will be able to perform a maximum of 5 attempts (deducting 25 Stamina in total).
Fishing Quests may yield a variety of rewards including various fish, special items, experience toward the Fishing skill, and experience toward your Hero’s next level. Heroes with higher Fishing, Agility, and Luck scores tend to be more successful on Fishing Quests, and Heroes who have Fishing as their main skill expend a reduced amount of Stamina to complete the Quest.
Interact with Fisher Tom to start a Foraging Quest. The required Hero stats are Agility (AGI) and Luck (LCK).
See more info here - Foraging and Fishing Quests: What You Need to Know
Foraging Quests may yield a variety of rewards including various plants, special items, experience toward the Foraging skill, and experience toward your Hero’s next level. Heroes with higher Foraging, Dexterity and Intelligence scores tend to be more successful on Foraging Quests, and Heroes who have Foraging as their main skill expend a reduced amount of Stamina to complete the Quest.
Interact with Woodsman Aurum to start a Foraging Quest. The required Hero stats are Dexterity (DEX) and Intelligence (INT).
See more info here - Foraging and Fishing Quests: What You Need to Know
For every twelve minutes spent, Gardening Quests yield JEWEL, a chance to increase the Hero’s Gardening skill, and experience toward the Hero’s next level. JEWEL rewards from Gardening are based on a number of factors including how many seeds you have planted in the garden, the garden’s JEWEL emissions rate, your Hero’s relevant stats, and the total available rewards for Gardening.
The relevant stats are Gardening profession skill level, the Gardening gene, Wisdom, and Vitality. Heroes who have Gardening as their main profession unlock their rewards every ten minutes, allowing them to harvest more quickly. Heroes can sometimes find plants or special items while Gardening.
See more info here - Foraging and Fishing Quests: What You Need to Know
For every twelve minutes spent, Gold Mining Quests yield gold, a chance to increase the Hero’s Mining skill, and experience toward the Hero’s next level. Heroes can sometimes find special items while Mining.
Heroes with higher Mining, Strength and Endurance scores tend to be more successful on Mining Quests, and Heroes who have Mining as their main profession earn their rewards every ten minutes, allowing them to mine more quickly.
See more info here - Gold Mining Quests: Earn Gold, Yellow Eggs, And More
Once players accumulate enough XP they can lvl up at the meditation circle and spend runes and $JEWEL or $CRYSTAL to increase their stats. Players’ stats can be seen below and these will be important when the PvP aspect of the game is released.



Purchase land to build a kingdom of your own. Gather resources, build improvements and watch your kingdom thrive!
Decide how to improve your kingdom, and show off your improvements on the world map
Craft your own equipment to give your warriors heroic power (and good looks)
$JEWEL is the native token of Serendale on Harmony AND also the gas token on Crystalvale. $CRYSTAL is the native token of Crystalvale on Avalanche.
Unlike the average crypto token $JEWEL has much more utility such as:
- Fee sharing opportunities
- Liquidity pooling
- Governance rights
- $JEWEL acts as the main token in the game
- Used to purchase Hero NFT’s, which themselves can earn $JEWEL and other rewards
- Can be combined with Hero’s and other items to mint new Hero’s
- Can be swapped through the DEX for in-game currency or for in-game items
The $JEWEL token has a hard cap of 500,000,000 tokens.
10,000,000 JEWEL tokens have been pre-minted and distributed as follows:
- 5,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated to fund the future development of the game. These tokens will be time-locked and released over a set schedule as features are completed.
- 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for promotion of the project, including marketing, airdrops, etc. These tokens are also time-locked to release slowly over the next few years to ensure that there are always funds available to market the game and acquire new players and investors.
- 2,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for initial liquidity. These tokens will be matched with ONE tokens to form the initial liquidity pool and will not be withdrawn or sold.
- 1,000,000 JEWEL: Allocated for bounties and hours for the founding team based on their work towards launch. Half of these will be awarded at launch, and the other half will vest over time.
$CRYSTAL has the same utility as $JEWEL:
- Fee sharing opportunities
- Liquidity pooling
- Governance rights
- $CRYSTTAL acts as the main token in the game
- Used to purchase Hero NFT’s, which themselves can earn $JEWEL and other rewards
- Can be combined with Hero’s and other items to mint new Hero’s
- Can be swapped through the DEX for in-game currency or for in-game items
The CRYSTAL token has a hard cap of 125,000,000 tokens. A CRYSTAL pre-mint of 2,500,000 will occur prior to launch. These tokens will be used in part for initial liquidity with the remainder used to fund a variety of rewards for players. Specific information on these rewards is forthcoming.
The $JEWEL or $CRYSTAL from every in-game transaction is apportioned as follows:
- 1% - Burned
- 10% - Sent to the Bank to reward xJEWEL/xCRYSTAL holders
- 30% - Sent to the Quest Rewards Fund
- 25% - Sent to the Development Fund, to pay for future game development and bounties
- 17% - Sent to the Marketing Fund, to pay for advertising, airdrops, etc
- 17% - Sent to the Founders Fund, used to pay milestone bonuses to the dev team
Gas Fee Distribution On DFK Chain (Crystalvale)
Gas fees are collected by a smart contract and then distributed as follows:
- 25% is given to the designated wallets of the validators. This allows us to attract more validators and further decentralize the chain.
- 50% is burned. This will continuously increase the value of JEWEL by implementing a consistent burn mechanic and deflating the supply.
- 25% will be sent to the Quest Fund to reward our community and players.
Here is a link to the team - https://defikingdoms.com/team.html